You should be thinking about calibrating your equipment at least once a year, or even more frequently in some industries. Some businesses might prefer the DIY route to minimise costs and downtime for the company, however, calibrating your own equipment is rarely the best plan of action. Without the proper expertise, you’ll be unable to complete the job to the high standards it deserves and requires.
Understanding what calibration is, and what it is not
What exactly qualifies as calibration? Let’s be clear here; calibration is not the same as marking checkboxes to say your equipment is in working order. Calibration is the process of comparing the accuracy of your equipment to a nationally or internationally recognised standard, using equipment that is traceable back to the International System of Units (SI units). Without the proper training or understanding of what calibration is, it’s not recommended to undertake this highly technical process by yourself.
Too time-consuming
The gold standard of calibration is where a device under test (DUT) is compared to a nationally or internationally recognised standard. In order to perform this level of calibration effectively, your calibration standard device must be considered accurate and traceable back to SI units. Testing the calibration standard device regularly to ensure accuracy is just as, or even more important, than calibrating your regular equipment. But calibrating this much equipment on a regular basis is time-consuming and can easily impact your daily workload. By using trusted Australian calibrating services like those of Mobile Test ‘n’ Cal you can save yourself valuable time while ensuring the job is completed to the highest standard every time.
Accuracy of measurements
Most pieces of equipment have many more functions than we use on a regular basis. A complete calibration will cover every aspect of a piece of equipment, including those you use less often. At Mobile Test ‘n’ Cal we test every function of your instrument multiple times at multiple readings to ensure accurate and repeatable readings. It is sometimes possible to achieve a false positive (or false fail) measurement which is why undertaking calibration readings more than once is a necessity.
Industry knowledge
There are many different kinds of equipment that can be calibrated from dimensional equipment to torque tools to electrical test and measurement tools. Knowing how to calibrate each of these effectively requires dedication and training. With experienced technicians in our team, we can assure you that your calibration will be performed accurately no matter what kind of equipment is being checked. Can you say the same for yourself?
The most convenient calibration services in Australia & NZ
Our onsite calibration services are designed to make life more convenient and safer for you and your employees. We provide calibration services to companies throughout Australia and New Zealand to ensure they are compliant with all relevant regulations and we’re also a NATA accredited lab. To organise your next onsite calibration, reach out to our team in Australia on 1300 662 199 or New Zealand on 0800 123 682.