We are excited to announce that we can now provide a complete asset compliance management solution called MyAssetRegister.
MyAssetRegister is a fully comprehensive online asset register, which can help maintain your compliance requirements with a complete test and safety equipment asset management system.
To access MyAssetRegister, we will issue you a unique company username and password login to access your customer portal. From here, you will be able to better monitor and maintain the compliance of your assets. We will still send you personalised reminders for due equipment as always, however MyAssetRegister will give you a more in depth insight into which assets are due and when. On the portal you will find past job information, including invoices, reports and certificates, as well as full asset lists assigned to your sites.
We thoroughly recommend this new system and have found that it is proving to be a great way for our customers of all shapes and sizes to save valuable time, money and effort in staying compliant.
MyAssetRegister is just another way for us to be Your Partner in Compliance. For more information or to find out how you can sign up for MyAssetRegister, give one of our friendly team a call today on 1300 662 119.