As of March 2020 AS/NZS 2225:1994 has been formally replaced by AS/NZS IEC 60903:2020.
This new standard is applicable across Australia and New Zealand and replaces AS/NZS 2225:1994 in regards to electrical insulating gloves.
This revision encompasses the design, manufacture, testing and inspection of “electrical insulating gloves that provide protection of the worker against electric shock”. It is essential that businesses and users read and understand their requirements in line with this new standard.
One of the main changes surrounds the requirements of periodic inspections and electrical re-testing of electrical gloves. IEC60903: 2020 states that “It is essential that tests are done by a competent test facility. Only formally trained and qualified persons should perform periodic inspection and electrical re-testing.”
Additionally, the intervals for this periodic testing and inspection for insulating gloves have now been formalised to encompass industry best practice. IEC 60903:2020 states that:
“No gloves should be issued for service unless it had been retested in the previous twelve months. No gloves should be used unless they have been tested within a maximum period of six months after issued for service.”
This means, that if you are using an electrical insulating glove that hasn’t been tested in the last 6 months, you need to have them inspected and tested by a competent and reputable facility who specialise in keeping you and your staff safe at work.
This standard retraction update formalizes the fact that the electrical industry has followed IEC 60903 and its testing requirements as best practice for quite some time.
Mobile Test ‘n’ Cal can help you ensure compliance, and replace any failed gloves same day, to get you back to work in full compliance faster! We can also assist by inspecting and testing your spare electrical gloves at the same time, in order to maintain your ongoing compliance in between visits.
Mobile Test ‘n’ Cal has the experience and competency to ensure that this standard is adhered to at all times for all clients across Australia and New Zealand. To discuss how we can help you make sure you meet the requirements of this new standard, call 1300 662 119 in Australia, 0800 123 682 in New Zealand or use our online enquiry form.